Why is this so hard to find on the web? I did a search for an FTP library on google that would work in Cocoa and found nothing. Then I asked Marcus if he knew of a good library and he simply said, “the ConnectionKit“.
Sure enough, I downloaded the code and built it (you’ll need to run the svn command on this page from Terminal.app to get the source. Then open Connection.xcodeproj in XCode and build). Then I incorporated it into a simple demo app and I was simply shocked. How can this amazing library be so difficult to find on the web. It is incredibly powerful and stable!! It makes it simple to create your own FTP client application in no time.
What’s also cool about it is that it it doesn’t stop with just FTP. It supports numerous network connection protocols including FTP, FTP over SSL, SFTP (secure FTP), .mac, WebDAV, secure WebDAV, Amazon S3, NNTP, and HTTP.
I personally only need it for its FTP capabilities, so my demo app only does FTP, but you can see how simple it is to use from the application and could easily apply any of the other protocols.
Get my demo application here: ConnectionTest.zip
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